Energy Medicine: Prologue to Nootropics, Working memories : ADHD, Trauma, Anti-Stress & affirmative programming

It takes 82,000 super-powerful processors to simulate just one percent of the brain for a single second.


Nootropics, brainwave entrainment programs and energy medicine are an up and coming evolutionary billion dollar industry that would like you to believe in a truly non-invasive treatment for 95% of your health-related problems. But before we whet our brains with transcendent minds, nootropics and ayahuasca like drugs, I wanted to post a precursor to that.

What better justification to counter the supposedly US $ 8 Bn ADHD industry than to state the following:

Don’t think Adderall or amphetamine-like drug scandals can counter the fact that brains adapted to the need to filter explosive information streams fast are actually an evolutionary adaptive measure to the “information age” to help children organize and process large sums of information quickly without obsessing over meaningless details and that these drugs are mind-‘numbing’ infact. So if your child seems too restless with daily chores, perhaps wandering minds may indeed have sharper problem solving abilities and better multi-tasking skills, lurking beneath a clueless kid. I have found the only problem is prolonged engagement and inability to explain what seems to be so obvious to others.

We are talking about an evolutionary mind here, one that is no longer amused by the routine automated daily chores that it can handle with less than half of its attention. Such a mind seeks greater things than routine. And a world that is facilitated by artificial intelligence and Internet of Things, the stage is set for the coming of such cases that will become a usual thing of the past.

In this post, I will be covering anti-stress mechanisms the body has to tackle certain events before moving onto discussing the emerging field of brainwave entrainments and sound therapy, all too fascinating to anyone well-read in the field of energy medicine. And eventually, in the next post we will be moving onto a more analytical survey of superhuman information processing capacity, nootropics and other innate dormant abilities of the mind.

But first, let us talk about stress; because we will only be able to handle multi-processing capabilities once we appreciate how our primitive subconscious offers an evolutionary advantage to shunting unfavorable events in our lives. And the notion of industrial fatigue, the 8 hour per day, 5 days a week work schedule.

Everyone experiences trauma and no one is exempt from its effects on the body. Trauma is any event that is perceived by an individual as a threat to its survival. Whether the event is a car accident on the freeway or an unwanted interaction with a dreaded co-worker, an individual categorizing the occurrence as some form of threat to its existence and a physiological process follows that has future implications.

When trauma occurs, the brain releases neurotransmitters that transmit information to the organs and musculoskeletal system via ‘fight or flight.’ This electrochemical reaction leaves a mark in the cellular tissue of the body known as cellular memory, which begins to construct future thought and behavioral patterns for the individual based on the subjective nature and intensity of the perceived threat.

There are varying types of Trauma:

  • Big-T trauma,
  • Little-t trauma and
  • cumulative trauma.

Big-T trauma is associated with identifiable events that a person can recall such as a catastrophic illness or injury, severe abuse, loss of a loved one, or rape. Big-T trauma can construct the following beliefs:

I am weak-
I am powerless-
I can’t protect myself-
I should have done something-

Little-t trauma and cumulative trauma are associated with recurring life situations that are cognitively rationalized as insignificant such as verbal abuse, social isolation, emotional neglect, relationship failures or being a victim of bullying. However, these instances can have long lasting power and influence that produces extreme reactions, harmful behaviors or addictions. Little-t trauma and cumulative trauma can construct the following beliefs:

I am useless-
I am a failure-
I am insignificant-
I can’t trust anyone-
I don’t deserve to be happy;

Here is a list of Therapeutic Techniques that can help heal the affects of negative cellular memory in the body-

  • Acupressure
    Craniosacral Therapy (CST)
    SomatoEmotional Release (SER)
    Zero Balancing (ZB)
    Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT)
    Visceral Manipulation (VM)
    Somatic Experiencing
    The Alexander Technique
    Laban Movement Analysis (LMA)
    Qi Gong

Past life regression is mentioned in the Upanishads of ancient India and is also discussed in great detail in the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali. The Hindu scholar Patañjali discussed the soul being burdened with an accumulation of impressions that were part of the karma from previous lives.

Patañjali called the process of past life regression, prati-prasav (literally “reverse birthing”), and involved addressing current problems through memories of past lives. Prati-prasav is used today as a practice in some types of yoga.

The works of Madame Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society also talks about siddhi or Abhi-jnana abilities to regress other’s lives. She also lifted from the Upanishads.

Past life regression is a 7000 year old Vedic technique that uses hypnosis to recover what most practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations. Hindus believe in reincarnation. Past life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psychotherapeutic setting.

Past life regression a Vedic technique of Charaka is recommended for people who are willing and decided to change, to secure relief from vices, negativity, repetitive illnesses, phobias, separations and conflicts, inability to love,trust, learn. etc.

Upon completion of the past life regression therapy, subjects are able to “reverse and resolve” negativity and vices which, they were unable to solve through any other treatment or therapy.
By now you know and believe that sounds, words, and images can have a
profound, life-changing effect on your health.

But there’s a problem.

In order for these effects to have a truly profound, long-lasting effect, you
need to make it past the gatekeeper.

Your mind.

Your subconscious mind has a way of shielding itself from new changes. That’s why listening to these frequencies on their own (if you can figure out how) wouldn’t work. And it’s another reason why TYPICAL positive thinking doesn’t work well. It’s also the reason you can say “I love you” over and over to yourself with no changes.

These things fail because they can’t break past the brick wall of your subconscious mind. Or “residual karma”.

But what if you had a way to slip past your mind unnoticed, so you can slip in and get the lasting changes you need to make a transformation from stressed and depressed to calm and collected?

Enter Binaural Brainwave entrainment

The brain produces a phenomenon resulting in low-frequency pulsations in the amplitude and sound localization of a perceived sound when two tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately, one to each of a subject’s ears, using stereo headphones. A beating tone will be perceived, as if the two tones mixed naturally, out of the brain. The frequencies of the tones must be below 1,000 hertz for the beating to be noticeable. The difference between the two frequencies must be small (less than or equal to 30 Hz) for the effect to occur; otherwise, the two tones will be heard separately, and no beat will be perceived.

Binaural beats originate in the brainstem’s superior olivary nucleus, the site of contralateral integration of auditory input.

The binaural beat is neurologically conveyed to the reticular formation which uses neurotransmitters to initiate changes in brainwave activity.

Brain Waves & Consciousness
Beta (13-26 Hz) Alert concentration and problem-solving
Alpha (8-13 Hz) Alert relaxation
Theta (4-7 Hz) Deep relaxation and increased learning
Delta (1-3 Hz) Deep sleep

Binaural beats that can help induce involuntary instinctive anti-stress patterns and clear ailments/’doshas’;


There have been a number of claims regarding binaural beats, among them that they may simulate the effect of recreational drugs, help people memorize and learn, stop smoking, help dieting, tackle erectile dysfunction and improve athletic performance.

An uncontrolled pilot study of eight individuals indicated that binaural beats may have a relaxing effect. In absence of positive evidence for a specific effect, claimed effects may be attributed to the power of suggestion (the placebo effect)

SAM: Spatial Angle Modulation™ by Monroe Institute

Rather than binaural beating to achieve its effect, Spatial Angle Modulation™ (SAM) uses a single frequency tone digitally movement-modulated for presentation in a stereophonic field. Using stereo headphones or speakers, the spatial angle of the apparent sound source moves more rapidly than the brain can process as a Doppler shift anomaly. As a result, the brain produces a modulation or change in the tone—a tremolo effect similar to binaural beating. It is this tremolo effect coupled with the size and orientation of the movement arc produced that give SAM its ability to influence regional brain activity and changes in states of consciousness.

You can learn more about this technique here.

We have briefly covered some techniques that go beyond stress busting and are in general a mind opener. Which is what we will see in a more detailed review in my next post. Stay tuned!

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