Archive for March, 2009

Brainwave Frequency Listing

Posted in Revelations on March 20, 2009 by Ford



These frequencies are of all types; light, sound, electrical, etc.

Brainwave Ranges – In talking about brainwaves, they are typically broken up into ranges, each range being associated with different mental states. The five common brainwave ranges are listed below (although I really simplify what they’re associated with here – for more specific mental states these ranges are associated with, consult the brainwave frequency list itself.)

Delta Range – 0.5 to 4 HZ (associated with deep sleep)

Theta Range – 4 HZ to 8 HZ (seen in dreaming sleep, and other mental states where the mind is wandering, like daydreaming and imagining)

  • "A person .. driving on a freeway & discovers .. they can’t recall the last five miles, is often in a theta state–induced by the process of freeway driving .. [It’s] .. a state where tasks become so automatic .. you can mentally disengage from them."

  • "[Our dominant brainwave] edges down toward theta when we go into trance."

Alpha Range – 8 to 13 HZ (relaxed but awake)

  • " [There is] .. more alpha wave functioning when we listen (but it edges up into beta when we do extremely active listening, as in the cocktail-party effect when we consciously narrow attention to one voice amidst a babble.)"

Beta Range – 13 HZ to 30 (??) HZ (normal awake state/aware)

  • There is an abundance of betawave functioning when we speak ..

Gamma Range – 30 (??) HZ to 60 (??) HZ (associated with consciousness – the brain stops producing gamma waves when we’re put under for anaesthesia, for example)

  • "Gamma rhythms appear to be involved in higher mental activity, including perception and consciousness. It seems to be associated with consciousness, eg it disappears with general anaesthesia .. Synchronous activity at about 40Hz appears to be involved in binding sensory inputs into the single, unitary object we perceive." [INT]

Note that there’s a LOT of disagreement over where Beta range ends and Gamma range begins. (hence the question marks)



0.1-1 Organ/muscle resonances [SS]

0.1-3 Delta range, according to [NEU+CRI] – deep sleep, lucid dreaming, increased immune functions, hypnosis [NEU]; Decreased awareness of the physical world. Access to unconscious information. Dominant brainwave in infants under one year old. This range normally decreases when we focus, but this doesn’t happen when a person with ADD – delta waves actually increase when they try and focus. [CRI]; "Monroe focus 21" [MB2 via DW];

0.16 – 10 – Neuralgias [AT]

0.18 – 10 – Mod. therapy [AT]

0.20 – 0.26 – Dental pain [AT]

0.20 – 10 – Post-traumatics [AT]

0.28 – 2.15 – Alcohol addiction [AT]

0.28 – 10 – Arthritis [AT]

0.30 – 0.15 – Depression [AT]

0.30 – 10 – Cervobrachial syndrome [AT]

0.37 – 2.15 – Drug addiction [AT]

0.40 – 10 – Confusion [AT]

0.45 – 10 – Muscle pain [AT]

Below 0.5 – Epsilon range, extraordinary states of consciousness, high states of meditation, ecstatic states of consciousness, high-level inspiration states, spiritual insight, out-of-body experiences, Yogic states of suspended animation. [CNR]


0.5 – very relaxing, against headache [MB], for lower back pain [AS] ; Thyroid, reproductive, excretory stimulant, whole brain toner [SS]

0.5-1.5 Pain relief [SS + CMP] ; endorphins, better hypnosis [SS]

0.5-3 Delta range, according to [RA]

0.5-4 Delta range, according to [SS,PWM+AWI]. Deep dreamless sleep, trance, suspended animation [SS]; Anti-aging. Reduces amount of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress & aging. Increases the levels of DHEA (anti-aging) & melatonin (decreases aging process.) [BAR]; Associated with unconscious mind & sleep state – in conjunction with other frequencies in a waking state, "Delta acts as a form of radar – seeking out information – reaching out to understand on the deepest unconscious level things that we can’t understand through thought process." Provides intuition, empathetic attunement & instinctual insight. [AWI]; Conducive to miracle type healing, divine knowledge, inner being & personal growth, rebirth, trauma recovery, "one with the universe" experiences (samadhi), near death experience, characterized by "unknowing", merely a blissful "being" state such as deep sleep or coma. [PWM via DW]


Posted in Revelations on March 20, 2009 by Ford


Baby join me
Baby join me
Baby join me

We are so young
our lives have just begun
but already we’re considering
escape from this world
and we’ve waited for so long
for this moment to come
was so anxious to be together
together in death

Won’t you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won’t you die
Baby join me in death
Won’t you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death




This world is a cruel place
and we’re here only to lose
so before live tears us apart let
death bless me with you

Won’t you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won’t you die
Baby join me in death
Won’t you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

this life ain’t worth living
this life ain’t worth living
this life ain’t worth living
this life ain’t worth living

Won’t you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won’t you die
Baby join me in death
Won’t you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

Baby join me in death
















Garden Of Eden

Posted in Revelations on March 20, 2009 by Ford





Posted in Revelations on March 20, 2009 by Ford


I Ching Love Revelations-Personal Story With Fate

Posted in Revelations on March 18, 2009 by Ford

(Note: Due to the old language, One is the questioner)

Q. How Can I Understand her?

She does not serve kings & queens. Sets higher goals for self.

Setting right what has been spoiled by mother. Meets praise. Meets humiliation.

There will be little remorse. No blame.

Setting right was has been spoiled by father.

One must not be too persevering.

Setting right what has been spoiled by mother.

For daughter, if mother passes away, No blame on daughter. Danger.

In the end, Good fortune.

To spread white rushes underneath. No blame.

One must go through great waters. No blame.

Isolated through opposition, one sees one’s companion as a pig covered with dirt, as a wagon full of devils. First one draws a bow against her, then one lays the bow aside. She is not a robber. She will woo at the right time. As one goes, rain falls; then Good fortune.

Remorse disappears. The companion bites her way through the wrappings. If one goes to her, how can it be a mistake?

Isolated by opposition, one meets a person one can associate with & have faith. Like minded. Despite the danger. No blame.

One sees the wagon dragged back; the oxen halted. A person’s hair & nose cut off. Not a good beginning but a good end.

One meets her lady in a narrow street. No blame. Remorse disappears. If you lose horse, don’t run after. It will come on time on it’s own accord.

The bed is split to the skin. Misfortune.

Shoal of fishes. A gentleman. An act.

She finds no head for holding. Misfortune.

Manifestation of holding together.

The Queen uses the beaters in the hunt on three sides only & forgoes game that runs in front.

Hold to her outwardly also. Good fortune.

You hold together (one & companion) the wrong people.

Hold to her inwardly. Perseverance.

Hold to her in truth & loyalty. Without blame.

Q. How to protect her?

Seductive joyousness.

Sincerity towards disintegrating influence. Dangerous.

Joyousness should not be weighed. After ridding herself of mistakes, a person has joy.

Should have contented joyousness. Good fortune.

The moon nearing fullness brings good luck.

The marrying boy draws out the allotting time.

A late marriage comes in due course.

Marrying boy as a slave, as a horse (stallion).

A one eye person is able to see.

A lame person who is able to tread.

Good fortune.

Q. Will she be happy with me?

She gets her head in water. Danger.

The neighbor in the east does not gain as much as in the west by slaughtering an ox while she offers little in the west. Finest clothes turn to rags. Be Careful.

Darkening Of light. She descended from heaven into the depths of the Earth.

The Illustrious Ancestor disciplines the Devil’s Country. After 3 years, she conquers it. Inferior people must not be employed.

Man loses curtain of his carriage. Do not run after. On the 7th day you will get it.

She brakes her wheel. She gets into water. No blame.

Q. When will she believe me?

Tolerating what has been spoilt by mother. Humiliation.

If one does not continue the affair, little gossip. No blame.

One cannot engage in conflict. One leaves it to fate. One returns home. The people of his town, 300, remain free of guilt.

Q. Will She love me?

Lamenting & Sighing. Floods of tears. No blame.

If in gathering, one has position, no blame. Gathering without blame. Slight humiliation. Letting oneself be drawn. Brings Good Fortune. It furthers one to bring Small Offering. Remain Blameless. Gathering Together. Success. The queen approaches her temple. It furthers one to see the great person. This brings success. Perseverance furthers. To bring great offerings creates good fortune. It furthers one to undertake something.

She is intrigued by the Darkness. Darkness makes a fool of her. Protect her.

Dangerous Drugs Funny

Posted in Uncategorized on March 18, 2009 by Ford

Ali G Dangerous Drugs

The Illuminati

Posted in Revelations on March 18, 2009 by Ford


The Order of the Illuminati, a secret society whose name means "Enlightened Ones," was founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), a former Jesuit and professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt.

Specific knowledge about the society is scarce. The Order of the Illuminati was established with some unspecified ties to the Masonic lodges of Germany; as a secret society within a secret society, the Illuminati have produced at least as many myths as verifiable facts. The sympathies and beliefs of Weishaupt himself, for instance, have been claimed by countless groups — atheists, Cabalists, rationalists, democrats, socialists, anarchists. Some trace the Illuminati back to the Knights Templar, to Gnostic cults, to ancient Egypt, and even to Atlantis. In the 1790s, some credited (or blamed) the society with manipulating the American and French Revolutions. In the United States, Federalists encouraged people to believe Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic Republican Party were controlled by the Illuminati in Europe.

It is not strictly necessary to disentangle fact from fiction, since the influence of the Order was greater in legend than in fact. But several things can be stated about the Illuminati with some degree of certainty. The two central figures in the organization were Weishaupt and Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwid Baron Von Knigge. The members of the Illuminati are known to have favored free-thinking and radical politics, and were often alleged to have ties with Jacobins (Weishaupt and the Illuminati are discussed in Abbé Barruel’s History of Jacobinism, which Mary Shelley is known to have read in October 1814). The Order promoted a belief in deism and a doctrine of spiritual perfection: the society was in fact first known as the Order of Perfectibilists.

At their height, the Illuminati claimed over two thousand members, not only in Germany but in France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Italy, including Goethe, Herder, and many other prominent nobles and reformers. But the Bavarian government cracked down on the Illuminati and other secret societies in 1784 for allegedly plotting a massive overthrow of Europe’s monarchies, although it was unable to squelch them entirely. By the end of the eighteenth century, however, the Illuminati had effectively disbanded, although legends of their continued existence (and influence) persist into the twentieth century (among, for instance, members of the John Birch Society). Perhaps some of this confusion is owing to the fact that over time, the word illuminati came to be used more expansively for many enthusiasts of Enlightenment, including the followers of Emmanuel Swedenborg.


Posted in Revelations on March 18, 2009 by Ford


$cars Of Life 


Scars Of Life

Posted in Revelations on March 18, 2009 by Ford

I used to think that you were the best thing for me
I must be blind
because I feel so helpless and hopeless
we close ourselves out from the world outside
Everything is going to roast between us
the world around us and I won’t mind
And this part of you is dead within me
I won’t want you I’m alone inside

I used to think the views we shared were common
I know you lied
The part of me that lives within you
Kill me quickly let the pain subside
Everything is going to roast between us
the world around us and I won’t mind
And this part of you is dead within me
I won’t want you
I’m alone inside
Everything is going to roast between us
the world around us and I won’t mind
And this part of you is dead within me
I won’t want you
I’m alone inside
Face down
No place to hide
Feel my eyes burn
Because I’m alone inside

Dark Star

Posted in Revelations on March 17, 2009 by Ford

by Andy Lloyd

Spanish version
December 2005
Commentary by Rob Solàrion (abridged)

from DarkStar Website

"And they do not know the future mystery, or understand ancient matters.
And they do not know what is going to happen to them.
And they will not save their souls from the future mystery."

The Dead Sea Scrolls

Prophecy Of The Essenes

During the preparation of Osiris, Isis & Planet X, I had the good fortune and opportunity to read a new book titled Dark Star – The Planet X Evidence by Andy Lloyd.
Andy and I have been acquainted over the Internet for several years, and both of us were interviewed by Hollywood film-producer Robert Sepehr for the second of his Planet X Videos. Andy and I have agreed to disagree on certain matters pertaining to Planet X for reasons which will become apparent in this review of his book.
Andy presents his arguments in a logical and efficient manner, starting with the simpler anomalies of our Solar System and then gradually working into more complex discussions of Dwarf Stars in general and Planet X in particular. By Chapter 12, Andy has actually overly complicated his theory, in my opinion; but he has certainly covered all the bases, to use an American baseball metaphor.

For a couple of hundred pages, Andy speculates and theorizes about one aspect of Planet X or another; and I think that he would agree with me that we are basically at a dead-end in terms of purely "theoretical" analyses. What we need now is actual physical proof of Planet X, either its telescopic discovery or its sudden passage through the "mainstream" Solar System.
In reviewing Andy’s book, I shall do it in the order that Andy presented his material.
Most researchers of Planet X Nibiru, myself included, tend to follow the postulation by Zecharia Sitchin in The Earth Chronicles, notably The Twelfth Planet, that this "tenth" or "unknown" planet is approximately the size of Uranus and Neptune, or about 4-5 times larger than the Planet Earth, and therefore that it is merely an as yet "undiscovered" planet within our Solar System.

Andy, by contrast, equates Planet X with a Brown Dwarf Star, a distant, unseen binary companion of our Sun several times larger than the Planet Jupiter, with a planetary system of its own. Whereas I suggest that Planet X is accompanied by an "entourage" or "host" of planetoids and moonlets, in Andy’s scenario these bodies, seven in all, orbit the Dark Star. The innermost planet of the Dark Star, the warmest and most hospitable for life, is the Home Planet of the Anunnaki.

The planet farthest from the Dark Star is what becomes visible to peoples on Earth during the perihelial passage of the Dark Star’s system, leading in turn to all of our ancient "myths" about this "perturber" or "interloper" planet.
Andy’s Dark Star itself does not actually enter the boundaries of the other planets. However, its "Seventh Moon" (Sitchin’s Nibiru, or "Planet of the Crossing") does "cross over" into that part of the Solar System between Neptune and Pluto, close enough and bright enough to be visible to people on Earth, at least for such a sufficiently lengthy time that cosmic legends could be born and later develop around it. In Cosmic Tree Theory, of course, Planet X Nibiru is coming as close to the Earth as about 60,000 miles (about 100,000 kilometers) and then stationing itself to our North Pole by an electromagnetic "tether" beam.

As it approaches close enough to Earth, its South Magnetic Pole is attracted to our North Magnetic Pole, like the opposite poles of all magnets, locking it in place above our North Pole for 900 years, approximately a "Millennium of the Gods", after which time it "detethers" and returns in its orbit to an aphelion somewhere between here and the O’ort Cloud.
On page 48, Andy writes the following about Sitchin’s Nibiru:

"The passages [of Planet X] also present us with evidence that Nibiru/Marduk appeared to the Mesopotamians as a red star during historical times, and that its heavenly passage was unusual. It was faint, red, stood still in the sky and then wandered like a planet. This is highly unusual, to say the least. It is no wonder that the nature of Nibiru remains controversial."

When I refer to Planet X Nibiru’s "standing still" over our North Pole, I use the expression literally: It stopped and "stood still", tethered to Earth as a Winged Disk atop a Cosmic Tree or World Tree or Sacred Tree.

Andy’s and Sitchin’s idea that Nibiru "stood still" refer to that optical illusion we get when any planet seems to "stop" and "go backwards" in its orbit, which we refer to as its "retrograde movement". Neither Andy nor Sitchin would agree with me on the meaning of the concept that it "stood still" in the sky.
As an aside here, let me add that amongst the Velikovskian School there is a group of researchers, most prominently amongst them David Talbott and colleagues, who believe, as Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky suggested in "On Saturn And The Flood" published by KRONOS Journal (Volume V, Number 1) in the fall of 1979, that the object which "stood still" over our North Pole was the Planet Saturn.
